Sunnibrid Community Map (A4)

Sunnibrid Community Map (A4)

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Sunnibrid is a small coastal town, created as the starting location for a community developed campaign and setting designed as a part of a twitch stream series. This sketched map details the focal points of this bustling port town, from the ominous lighthouse that looms over the town to the imposing garrison that supposedly protects her people.
Download this A4 map, use it as your own starting location or add the coastal settlement to your campaign setting! Rename the town's places and add your own spin to the environment, this map is completely FREE to download and edit for personal use.

The town of Sunnibrid holds a dear place in my heart as a creator - though I have never run a game in the setting is was a lot of fun to work with the community creating this fantasy setting. My original purpose for the stream series was to spread the word of just how easy is is to create fantastical settings as a Game Master, what ensued were weeks of fun filled exploratory discussion which likely taught me as much, if not more than our community learned from me. To everybody who tuned into the stream, this sketched map is my Thank You <3.
share your experiences with this free map by tagging @SmallDungeon on Instagram or TikTiok.